Dow AgroSciences is a global business providing crop protection, pest management, biotechnology and seed products. We have field research stations in 20 countries, including Britain, developing tailored solutions to national requirements from our international research programmes. The result is new products, new formulations and new packaging all geared to delivering top performance along with a responsible approach to the environment.
In the UK, we are committed to supporting, and often leading, national stewardship campaigns including The Voluntary Initiative, the Campaign for the Farmed Environment and most recently Say NO to Drift – chlorpyrifos.
Our dedicated hotline provides in-depth information to ensure our customers have access to our full knowledge bank, by phone or email. Our commitment is to make our knowledge available to our customers to support their success.
Quite simply, our aim at Dow AgroSciences is to make Our Science available to underpin Your Success. Judge us and our science by the success you achieve now and in future.