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Farmers Review Rating  

Touchdown Quattro

Category: Sprays
Company: Syngenta

    Farmers Review

    Value for Money

    Overall Rating

    Can design comes out Tops again.


    As a sprayer driver one of my most used chemicals is Glyphosate, and as we all know and I have stated in reviews previously some of the cans can be difficult to pour and empty. However Syngenta have revolutionized the pouring of 20Lt cans with Touchdown Quattro. They have added a smaller second lid which acts as an air intake to the can. Meaning that you can pour the can into the hopper within 40 seconds without a single glug or splash..... yes I know hard to believe but I promise you it's true. I have also noticed that the cans are very easy to wash out.

    As for efficacy I haven't had a single problem with it's efficacy and ease of application. Lots of dead Blackgrass in the stubbles and seedbeds thats for sure.
    Do you agree with this review?

    Barry Williams
    Nov 10,2013