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Unsure what to make of this (February 04, 2013)

When this crop was growing I didn't think it would be sucessful...turns out it was.
I will be giving it another go.

User's rating:
Poor (February 04, 2013)

I wasn't impressed with this crop.
The seeds were very very small. I don't think I'll use this again.

User's rating:
I LOVE OILSEED RAPE (February 04, 2013)

I was very pleased with this product.
Will use it again soon

User's rating:
An average crop with a grand name! (February 04, 2013)

I liked this crop, it yielded well.
I think I was expecting more, never mind!

User's rating:
Good crop (February 04, 2013)

I liked this crop, it produced a good yield and I didn't have any disease related issues.

User's rating:
Not impressed (February 04, 2013)

I was promised a lot of things with this product by a few different people.
I was expecting it to be spectacular, but it seems just like any other barley.

User's rating:
Love it! (February 04, 2013)

I have no problems to report with this crop at all!
Well done :)

User's rating:
Fantastic (February 04, 2013)

I have never heard fo this before so thought I'd give ti a try.
It is absolutely fabulous!
I love it.

User's rating:
Just average (February 04, 2013)

This crop was just like an average crop of barley to me. Nothing stood out.

User's rating:
I was a bit concerned to start with! (February 04, 2013)

I was worried about this crop to begin with. It seemed very thin and slow to at the start.
It seems to be picking up now, so fingers crossed.

User's rating:
Looks promising (February 04, 2013)

I like this crop ,it's done me well this year!
Lets hope it's still as good next year

User's rating:
First time... (February 04, 2013)

This is the first time I have had this on my farm. It seems to be doing alright!
So far so good.

User's rating:
Got a lot going for it (February 04, 2013)

I like this crop, always have.
Grows well and sells even better! ££££ :)

User's rating:
Good while it lasted (February 04, 2013)

I've grown this barley in the past and it always served me well.
I have stopped growing it now as it seems out dated

User's rating:
Still going strong (February 04, 2013)

I've had this on my farm year after year for many years now!
Still grows and sells as well as the first year i had it, infact it sells even better!!

User's rating:
Good barley! (February 04, 2013)

This crop has been fantastic for me this year!
Love it!

User's rating:
Didn't like aries (February 04, 2013)

I wasn't keen on this crop but thought I'd give it a try.
I will not be trying it again!

User's rating:
Not bad! (February 04, 2013)

I didn't know too much about triticale before I grew this on my farm...but all seems hunky-dory to me!

User's rating:
Just like a great day at the races! (February 04, 2013)

The yield is the best thing about this crop.
Overall not too bad!

User's rating:
I LOVE TYBALT (February 04, 2013)

I have nothing bad to say about this crop!!

User's rating:
Great Yield (February 04, 2013)

This crop had a good yield, unfortunaly mine was sold for feed, but I've heard the cows love it :)

User's rating:
Tidy crop (February 04, 2013)

For it's first time on my farm I'm pleased with this crop.

Will try it again next year!

User's rating:
Great disease resistance (February 04, 2013)

Great blue pea.
Does exactly what it says it will do!

User's rating:
Poor (February 04, 2013)

I didn't have a good experience with these peas.
They produced a reasonable yield but I struggled to move them from my farm, they don't seem too popular!

User's rating:
GREAT!! (February 04, 2013)

I was exceptionally pleased with these peas this year!
Outstanding yield and they sold well too! :)

User's rating:
Bad year (February 04, 2013)

I have grown Neon peas in the past and they have always pleased me. I was surprised this year by the poor yield and how many disease problems that seemed to appear. I will give them 1 more chance!

User's rating:
Good peas (January 31, 2013)

These peas proved to be a good chioce this season!
Good diease resistance, and I managed to sell them at a good price

User's rating:
Bad choice (January 31, 2013)

Didn't like this crop.
Will not use this again.
Poor disease resistance.

User's rating:
Poor Crop (January 31, 2013)

Didn't get on very well with this variety at all.
Was not what I had hoped for.
Oh well, better luck next year!

User's rating:
Good seller (January 31, 2013)

I only had 1 field of this crop this year, but I wish I had more!
It was very popular within the market!

User's rating:
Great crop (January 31, 2013)

This crop produced a great yield for me this year!
Will most definitely use this again!

User's rating:
Time for a change... (January 31, 2013)

This crop has been sucessful for me for the past few years however I feel it is now being beaten by new varieties and that it's time for a change!

User's rating:
Great Yield (January 31, 2013)

I liked this crop, it gave a great yield and I was happy with the disease resistance.
Expected more problems that there was!

User's rating:
Disappointing (January 31, 2013)

This wheat was slow to develop this year and I was hoping for a better yield.

User's rating:
Invicta (January 31, 2013)

Invicta produced a high yield this year, better than I expected!

User's rating:
Panorama (January 31, 2013)

This wheat has strong, stiff straw which helpts to prevent lodging!
Good crop overall.

User's rating:
Crusoe (January 31, 2013)

I'm happy with this product, it has produced a good yield and seems to have good disease resistance.
I will use this again.

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