Alchemy winter wheat was added to the HGCA Recommended List for 2006-7 in November 2005. The variety has shown extremely high yield over a number of years, and combines an excellent disease resistance profile with a range of end use markets. Alchemy has been subjected to rigorous Nickerson yield trials over a five year period and has been tested in National List and Recommended List trials for three years. There is a large quantity of data which confirms the very high yield potential of the variety as well as providing a robust disease database drawn from a range of environments.
The demise of strobilurin chemistry and reduced efficacy of key triazoles has placed an even greater emphasis on good genetic resistance as the basis for disease control strategies. The loss of a promising group of fungicides in the battle to control Septoria spp is unfortunate when grain prices are low. However, Alchemy’s robust genetic resistance combined with the range of available fungicide products, both old and new, can reduce the threat of this very damaging disease and help maintain profitability.